About the artist


Niyakire is the maiden name of Analise’s grandmother. It means “may He (God) receive” in Kurundi, the language that is spoken in Burundi where her father is from.

Childhood and Early Passion for Art

Analise, a Minneapolis-based entrepreneur, has pursued her artistic passion throughout her life with drive, exploration, and persistence. From a young age, Analise found solace and refuge in the world of art. Growing up in Minneapolis, she attended local arts schools where she was exposed to a variety of creative mediums.

Transition to Graphic Design and Multimedia Art

As Analise grew older, her childhood dream evolved into a specific calling for graphic design and multimedia art. Recognizing the powerful impact that visual communication can have, she continues to dedicate herself to mastering this field. With determination and a strong desire for growth, Analise honed her skills in graphic design, constantly pushing the boundaries of her creativity.

Expanding Skill Set: Web Design, Brand Strategy, and Animation

Refusing her comfort zone, Analise realized the importance of expanding her skill set in order to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. She recognized that web design was an integral part of modern graphic design, and eagerly delved into this area of expertise. With a natural flair for intuitive user experiences and aesthetic sensitivity, Analise continues to grow in crafting visually stunning and user-friendly websites.

Additionally, Analise understood the value of strategic branding in conveying a message and connecting with audiences. Through extensive research and exploration, she delved into the world of brand strategy, learning to create cohesive and impactful brand identities that speak volumes about a company's values and offerings.

To further elevate her artistic repertoire, Analise is currently embracing the world of animation. She recognizes the potential of bringing static designs to life through movement, utilizing animation techniques to captivate her viewers and enhance their engagement with the visual medium.

Entrepreneurial Journey

As an entrepreneurial spirit, Analise was not content with simply mastering her craft. She sought to create opportunities for herself and others in her chosen field. Harnessing her diverse skill set and unwavering determination, she launched her own graphic design and multimedia art business in Minneapolis, March of 2023.


Beyond her professional achievements, Analise remains committed to gathering with other creatives and leaving a lasting impact in her community. Analise firmly believes that art has the power to initiate change and shape society, and she works towards creating meaningful and thought-provoking designs that resonate with individuals from all walks of life.
Analise's journey from a young girl dreaming of being a visual artist, to a career in graphic designer and being an entrepreneur is continuing to take shape and expand. Through her endurance, continuous learning, and entrepreneurial spirit, Analise is not only rewriting generational narratives, but is pioneering paths for young people who dream of shaping the art and design industry in their city.